Resource Library- Connecting with Shoppers in the Age of Choice

Connecting with Shoppers in the Age of Choice

Connecting with Shoppers in the Age of Choice

Shoppers are loyal to brands that prioritize communication.

In the age of digital commerce and infinite choice, retailers must put their customers at the center of everything. Narvar surveyed 1,543 online shoppers to evaluate the ways they prefer to communicate with their favorite brands throughout the customer journey. We discovered that shopping behavior is evolving, and retailers that invest in caring for shoppers will gain their loyalty.

Download the report to learn about key trends such as:

  1. The role of communication in customer loyalty. Accurate delivery date predictions and shipping notifications build customer trust.
  2. A difficult or opaque return policy can discourage a sale. Customers are less likely to buy if your return policy is cumbersome.
  3. The rising adoption of voice technology. Voice-device ownership and voice shopping are accelerating faster than you might think.
  4. Comfort with chatbots. Shoppers are getting more comfortable with chatbots – find out what they like and don't like about them.
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